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cadoola casino Ryan Gosling returns better (?) than ever before in SNL’s ‘Papyrus 2’
Updated:2024-10-25 03:34    Views:81
Seven years later, Ryan Gosling remains haunted by the very thing that has taken everything away from him—Papyrus

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Seven years ago, we witnessed Steven’s (Ryan Gosling) life fall into shambles because of the “Avatar” logo. “He just highlighted avatar, clicked the drop-down menu, and he just randomly selected Papyrus—like a thoughtless child wandering by a garden, yanking leaves along the way.”

But it wasn’t simply because of this professional graphic designer’s choice of font.  No, it was daylight robbery for the distraught Steven. He couldn’t believe that “Avatar,” one of the most successful films of all time, simply used Papyrus for its logo. He could not fathom the laziness and the cruelty but most importantly, how he got away with it.

In “Papyrus 2” we see Gosling’s character in recovery—picking up the pieces from the destruction his obsession wrecked—but nonetheless getting himself back together. Unfortunately, a relapse due to the release of “Avatar: The Way of Water” causes his therapeutic journey to take a turn for the worse. “All the money in the world, and he just put it in bold.” 

READ: James Cameron unveils artistic process in Paris exhibition

Driven mad by an even more heinous act, he sets out to finally meet the logo’s creator, Jacob Crone (Kyle Mooney) face to face, and expose him for the fraud that he was. 

He tracks him to Disney’s Graphics Awards Ball where it is revealed that Gosling’s character is in fact Steven Wingdings, son of Johnathan Wingdings—the creator of a font made entirely out of symbols.

Steven is then brought to confront his past and later realizes that “Avatar” was not beyond and above the use of Papyrus. He gains peace, humility, and a proper end to his pain. But who knows, perhaps the release of a third film could spur yet another relapse.